Connecting fantasy and urban heritage

Biblioteka z Pasją

Biblioteka z Pasją (Al. Zwycięstwa 96/98) Spotkanie w języku angielskim z ukraińską pisarką fantasy dla młodzieży, Natalią Malotinets.

Meet Natalia Matolinets, writer from Lviv, Ukraine, who will talk about urban fantasy, working on her new book in Gdansk and trends of Ukrainian fantasy literature.

Biogram: Natalia Matolinets Fantasy writer from Lviv, traveler, coffee and art nouveau lover. Author of popular award-winning young adult fantasy: trilogy “Varta in the Game”, “The Artifacts of Prague” and “The Blood of Budapest”, inspired by European cities and their legends; mythological inspired “Hessy” and “Amaterasu Academy”, historical adult fantasy “Ceramic Hearts”. Latest book of upcoming duology “All My Keys and Gaia” was published in 2022. Awards: Coronation of the Word II prize 2017, Debut of the Year 2018 & The Best Series of the Year 2021 by Barabooka and etc. Shortlisted in BBC Children Book 2019, Navyvorit teen literature prize (2019) and Barabooka top (2019), longlisted in BBC Children Book of the Year 2018. Her short stories were published in numerous anthologies and awarded by “Brama” and “Gardaryki” competitions in 2017 and 2019. Natalia Matolinets` books are to be translated into a several European languages and published in 2023.

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